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Why “No Spray”
Chemicals are harmful for the environment ~ especially in Hawaii! We are located 2,500 miles away from any other landmass, literally on a side of a mountain that quickly reaches the sea. Chemicals degrade our soil’s life, causing erosion and leaching of valuable nutrients. We have to find alternatives to harmful techniques used on the land.
Everything we do affects everything we see.

Killing the weeds is not the problem… killing the soil is.
So why “No Spray”? It is our one rule to succeed… “No Spray”! No Spray chemicals, no spray soap, no spray vinegar, no spray anything (but compost teas and the like) on the land including your garden!. We believe that every child should have the ability to garden and to grow food- don’t you?. Every child. Therefore growing food should not involve things that children can not play with! Chemicals are number one!
AND with every negative problem that arises demands a positive solution. That is what No Spray Hawaii is all about~ positive solutions to this negative problem!
How? We care enough to teach people to grow food utilizing the same principles as nature does to grow old growth forest and dense jungles! We offer classes, consultations, internships and course development.
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Why “No Spray”

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No Spray



