Propegating Vanilla in Hawaii

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Wild Vanilla at No Spray Hawaii


We are excitIMG_3801ed to share our new find on the No Spray property! Wild vanilla vines! Oh yes that sweet vanilla flavor being grown hundreds of feed from our house in an old forest.

Once we found out we just had to share with everyone who supports No Spray! Who knows, you too may find these vines one day and feel the urge to enjoy their natural fruits. Vanilla is naturally pollinated by a tiny ground bee. With our agriculture practices, these are hard to come by, there fore vanilla rarely is pollinated in the wild.

Vanilla flavor comes from an orchid vine. These vines clime hundreds of feed in the air sometimes. When the tree becomes too top heavy, it will leIMG_3799an towards the ground. This “breaking point” sends the orchid into a flowering state. The orchids come out in sets of 5 -10 depending on the plant itself.

Aren’t they beautiful!




Here is Jesse pollinating them! It is a really delicate process and we recommend watching way more videos before trying to attempt to to do!



No Spray Update May 18th 2014

Jesse has had pollinated over 200 orchids. The average success rate of any beginner falls at roughly 50%. This is exciting! As he walks through the forest finding the little flowers to cut open, he is constantly reminded of his success as some of the previous beans are over 5 inches long now~! DSCF0361

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