Laundry detergents- why buying natural is worth it.

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Like many, I have walked into a store to purchase laundry detergent. There are so many brands it unbelievable, all to just wash clothes. Within the last five years there has been a noticeable increase in the natural and environmentally friendly detergents being advertized. I, for one have purchased the  bio-degradable one, paying up to $5 more, then other times, I have not, and just bought the cheapest one. Curious to see if there was a real difference, I started doing some research, and I ran across many different articles. I found an interesting one worth reading at an They site an article that was published in the Healthy Living Magazine that investigated the difference between all natural laundry soap and synthetic. The information presented is easy to trace back and high lights some important aspects that should be weighed in when deciding to purchase that eco-friendly, biodegradable, plant based laundry soap!

Read the entire article:

Natural vs Synthetic Laundry Soap, Is there REALLY any Difference?