Know your Farmer Stories

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No Spray is a solution based company. We strive to create opportunities for education to inspire change. Here is another opportunity.



Have you ever heard or read of the phrase, “know your farmer”? This is an increasingly used phrase in a lot of articles and blogs that have been circulating the last 5 to 10 years that are inspiring people to learn about current agriculture practices. It is amazing who owns the farms that produce most of the food we eat. It is unreal the amount of pesticides and poisons are allowed to be sprayed on our food without any proper labeling. This page is not for me to press that topic, but for others to share there story about why they feel it is important about “Knowing your farmer”.

Laura Rieber’s Story, “I walk by your house everyday… “

A story about the importance of knowing your farmers.

Submitted on February 19, 2014

Jennifer Hunt’s Story, “Really…. the water did that!” 

Submitted on March 9, 2014




Interested in submitting a story, CLICK HERE to contact us! Every shared story may help in inspiring others to support local, small farmers instead of giant corporations.

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